Saturday, February 11, 2012

ABCs of Loving Your Husband

In honor of Valentine's Day, I am posting this as a reminder to all of us wives how we need to cherish our husbands. I honestly cannot remember where I got it, or if I wrote it myself! (No, it's too good... I think I got it somewhere!) If you find it, please let me know where so I can credit the source. (I did change a few minor things, though...)

My husband of almost 5 years, Dan, is such a blessing to me. He is such a man of God and always tries to serve God and our family with his whole heart. No, he is not perfect, but neither am I, and he loves me anyway! I fear I often take him for granted, so I want to make every effort to encourage him and be his helpmate, as the Lord God made me to be. I challenge you to do the same and see if it doesn't revamp your relationship!

Affirm him daily
Be his biggest cheerleader
Count the blessings in our marriage
Don't criticize him (ESPECIALLY in public!)
Encourage him in every way
Fight for his reputation
Give him mind, body, and heart
Help and serve him with every opportunity
Inspire him to chase after his dreams
Just gaze at him adoringly
Kiss and cuddle with him
Love him in spite of his weaknesses
Make sure he knows he's the only one you'll ever want
Never yell or interrupt
Offer to rub his feet, shoulders, and back after a long day
Pray for him and with him daily
Quit nagging! 
Remember why I fell in love with him... and tell him why I still do! 
Stay committed and faithful to him 
Take the initiative with sex
Understand his views and opinions and let him lead
View him through God's eyes
Write him a love letter
X-amine my own heart daily
Yearn for God and His word
Zealously protect and invest in my marriage

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