Monday, November 18, 2013

An Unusual Thankful List

This Thanksgiving, I am taking a new approach to thankfulness. 

I've been thinking back to some of the things about which I have complained in recent times,
and I am changing the complaints to thanks.

I am thankful for my cluttered and messy house... 
     because it means my family has lots of fun messing it up and is not lacking in "stuff".

I am thankful for piles of laundry... 
     because it means we have an abundance of clothing. 

I am thankful that I have to cook dinner (and sometimes re-cook it because I burnt or otherwise messed up the first batch)... 
     because it means we have plenty to eat. 

I am thankful that there is rarely a quiet moment in the house... 
     because I have healthy, active loved ones playing inside it. 

I am thankful for our two cars that both needed expensive repairs within the course of a week...
     because it means that we have transportation. 

I am thankful for an already-small-and-now-crowded bed... 
     because I have a husband, toddler, baby, and two cats to snuggle with and keep me warm. 

I am thankful for the dirty dishes that seem to multiply on and take over my countertop... 
     because it means that we have enough food, plenty of dishes, and family to eat on them. 

I am thankful for toilets that leaked and pipes that froze and burst... 
     because it means that I have indoor plumbing.

I am thankful for medical bills... 
     because it means that we have access to medical care.

I am thankful for the bills that flood my mailbox every month... 
     because it means I have heat, water, electricity, insurance, cell phones, and so many more things are 
     considered luxuries in other parts of the world.

I am thankful for slow service and not-so-tasty meals at a restaurant... 
     because I am able to pay to go out to eat and have someone serve me and clean up after me, and I can still 
     leave a nice tip to be an example of Jesus to a server who has probably had a rough day.

I am thankful for cold, dreary winter days... 
     because it makes me appreciate summer more. (I almost couldn't convince my fingers to type that one!)

I am thankful for the sleepless and restless nights... 
     because still I woke up in the morning to a new day of life.  

I am thankful for the days when my children were too needy and wouldn't let me get anything done... 
     because we got to spend the whole day snuggling! 

I am especially thankful for long church services that seem extra long when I am trying to keep 2 kids entertained and quiet...  
     because I have the freedom to worship my God communally without fearing for my life. 

I encourage you to change your complaints into prayers of Thanksgiving. We are so blessed! 

What unusual items are on your thankful list this year? Share them in the comments below! 

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post! I am thankful for my job, which I complain about sometimes, but allows me to have bills,toy explosions, and transportation! I'm looking at my little families messes a little bit differently today! Thanks Rachel!
